BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:AGM 2023 for MACP Members - online UID:403 DESCRIPTION:This year’s AGM will be held virtually via Zoom Pro Meetings on Monday 6th November 2023 from 6pm-7.30pm\n\nYou will have a chance to hear what the MACP has achieved in the last year and what its strategies and objectives are for the coming year. We celebrate all those who have won awards and welcome our new members who have achieved MACP Full membership in the last year.   You will be able to meet the Chair, Treasurer and other members of the MACP Executive Committee.\n\nPrior to the AGM all Executive Committee reports will be available on line. \n\nThe AGM is open to all categories of members – Affiliate, Associate, Full (including overseas), Honorary and Retired members. NB Only Full members would be able to vote in the event of there being a vote during the AGM. We look forward to seeing you and value your attendance and involvement with the MACP.\n\n \n\n DTSTART:20231106T180000Z DTEND:20231106T193000Z LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR