BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY: Integrating Imaging into Musculoskeletal Practice - Hip 8.3.25 - Face to Face London UID:460 DESCRIPTION:INTEGRATING IMAGING INTO MUSCULOSKELETAL PRACTICE - 1 Day course - Hip\n\nMapped to Roadmap to Practice - FCP Knowledge, Skills & Attributes  \n\nAre you a new FCP or APP who requests or would like to start requesting imaging and feel overwhelmed when looking at pelvic and hip imaging? What do they mean by normal? How do these results impact my patient? What if the X-Ray does not fit your patient clinically? We hope to answer all your questions by developing the necessary tools to systematically interpret these images and decipher this potentially complex area. \n\nLearning Objectives:\n\nBy the end of the course you will:Know the indication for requesting basic imaging for the hip and pelvisHave a structured method of looking at and interpreting imagesUnderstand where imaging plays a role clinically and pit falls and advantages in the use of imaging and patient careHave an understanding of what is normal and what is abnormal in these imagesHave an idea of resources to help you develop your skillsDiscuss how you interpret imaging, imaging reports and how you discuss this with your MSK patientsYou will not:\n\nBe legally qualified to request radiologyBe legally covered to interpret radiological examinations or write imaging reportsKnow everything about imaging these anatomical areas  Facilitators: Neil Stewart MSc, BSc (Hons), MMACP, MCSP, HCPC and Amie Coombs MSc, BSc (Hons), MCSP, HCPC\n\nFacilitatorsAmie CoombsAmie is an Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner specialising in the lower quadrant including lumbar, hip and knee pain. She additionally works as a First Contact Practitioner for Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust. She has a keen interest in the hip and pelvis, which has been developed over the last 9 years through her experience of working alongside the Orthopaedic Consultants and Radiologists. Following the completion of her lower quadrant module and ESP module including radiology interpretation, and having experienced hip pain personally through competetive running she developed a passion and drive to excel in the interpretation of hip and pelvic interpretation and using this vital skill in the best patient care for her patients.\n\nAmie has also worked at the University of Brighton lecturing to MSc students and is retained to develop this further in the near future.\n\nHer personal interests are in long distance running, snowboarding, climbing and she has competed in many ultramarathons.\n\nNeil StewartNeil started his Advanced Practice career working in Accident and Emergency at Worthing Hospital over 10 years ago. He now works for Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust as an Advanced Practice Physiotherapist specialising in the mangement of patients with lumbar, hip and knee pain and as a first contact practitioner where he enjoys mentoring FCP practitioners. He completed his MSc at the University of Brighton to gain his MACP membership and now supervises post graduate MSc students from the University of Hertfordshire and University of Brighton. Neil is also educational lead for the AP and physiotherapy teams.\n\nNeil has developed an interest in the management of hip pathology throughout his AP career and has benefited from working alongside Orthopaedic Consultants and Radiologists across Coastal West Sussex. He particularly enjoys being able to apply his knowledge and understanding of image interpretation of the pelvis, when rehabilitating patients with hip pathology in physiotherapy. He lives in the South Coast and enjoys surfing when there is a wave, SUP’ing when it is flat, and mountain biking when he can’t get out in the water.\n\nClick here to view full event terms and conditions.\n\n DTSTART:20250308T090000Z DTEND:20250308T170000Z LOCATION:St George’s Hospital, St Georges Hospital, Blackshaw Road,Tooting, London SW17 0QT END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR