BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY: Demystifying Blood Tests in MSK Health UID:466 DESCRIPTION:Are you mystified by myeloma screens, annoyed by ANA or exasperated by when to do an ESR?\n\nThis is a course designed for AHP’s working, who are wanting to work as autonomous practitioners with access to diagnostics in FCP roles or AP roles.\n\nThis will be a full day course designed to provide an in-depth review of the blood tests commonly used in MSK practice, what they are and when to consider them.\n\nAll course places must be booked through the website and paid for by card. There is no facility for later payment. It is up to the individual delegate to reclaim course fees from their employer. Once a course is booked a delegate can download an invoice as proof of payment. To download your receipt, go to your booking account on the website and Member Area / My Events / Payment History\n\nMapped - Roadmap to Practice - FCP Knowledge Skills & Attributes\n\nThe 1 day course will include screening for:\n\nMalignancy – screening vs diagnostic tests\n\nPolymyalgia Rheumatica, Temporal Arteritis, Gout\n\nAuto-immune diseases – Rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthropathies\n\nInfections – FBC, inflammatory markers.\n\nMetabolic bone disease – Osteoporosis, Pagets’ disease, Osteomalacia\n\nChronic pain – the diagnosis of exclusion & screening for other pathologies\n\nPeripheral neuropathy\n\nUncovering the role and relevance of blood tests to include: Tumour markers (including PSA), Inflammatory markers (ESR/CRP), Autoimmune markers (ANA/RHF, anti-CCP, HLA-B27); Bone profile, Vitamin D, Myeloma screen, FBC, U&E, LFT.\n\nFacilitator\n\nGiles HazanDr Giles Hazan MBBS, BSc, MRCGP, DipMSM\n\nGiles currently work as a GP with an Extended Role in Musculoskeletal Medicine. He works predominantly in Chronic Pain and Spinal clinics within a multidisciplinary team. He originally trained as a doctor at UCL Medical School, gaining a degree in Psychology during this time, before training as a GP in Brighton and then developing a special interest in Musculoskeletal Medicine. He was previously Vice-President of the British Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine and now sits on the education board of the British Association of Sports and Exercise Medicine (BASEM) as lead for Musculoskeletal Medicine.His work is underpinned and supported by my continuing work in general practice where he has a particular interest in the role of lifestyle factors such as stress, sleep, diet and exercise in the cause and treatment of chronic diseases including osteoarthritis and chronic pain.\n\nClick here to view full event terms and conditions.\n\n DTSTART:20250212T090000Z DTEND:20250212T170000Z LOCATION:Online Zoom END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR