BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY: Integrating Imaging into Musculoskeletal Practice - 1 day course, the Knee. UID:470 DESCRIPTION:Although this course is online there is a limit of 40 places\n\n \n\nAn interactive 1 day course aimed at senior physiotherapists and new APPs with limited or no radiology background, wanting to learn more about requesting and basics of interpreting musculoskeletal imaging and how to utilise for better patient care in practice.\n\nAll course places must be booked through the website and paid for by card. There is no facility for later payment. It is up to the individual delegate to reclaim course fees from their employer. Once a course is booked a delegate can download an invoice as proof of payment. To download your receipt, go to your booking account on the website and Member Area / My Events / Payment History\n\nJessica Gent: Advanced Practice Physiotherapist, Clinical Lead for First Contact MSK Roles\n\nMAPPED TO ROADMAP TO PRACTICE - FCP KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ATTRIBUTES\n\n\nCost: 1 day: MACP members £120 / Non-members £150\n\nThe day includes:\n- Requesting and looking at X-rays - Requesting and looking at MRIs - Case study based- teaching, orientation, normal, normal variants, pathological images, evidence base on imaging and how to utilise it to enhance your existing clinical reasoning & patient care\n\nLearning Objectives\nBy the end of the course you will:\n- Know the indication for requesting basic imaging for the areas you have studied including lumbar spine, knee and shoulder\n- Have a structured method of looking at these images\n- Understand where imaging plays a role clinically and pit falls and advantages in the use of imaging and patient care\n- Have an understanding of what is normal and what is abnormal in these images\n- Have an idea of resources to help you develop your skills\n- Discuss how you interpret imaging, imaging reports and how you discuss this with your MSK patients\n\nYou will not:\nBe legally qualified to request radiology\nBe legally covered to interpret radiological examinations or write imaging reports\nKnow everything about imaging these anatomical areas \n\nPresentersMs Jessica Gent Jessica Gent is an advanced practice physiotherapist specialising in lower limb conditions at Solent NHS Trust in Portsmouth. Her current role is as Consultant Physiotherapist, Clinical Lead for First Contact MSK Roles\n\nJessica has been an advanced practitioner for 11 years and currently lectures on the MACP course on integrating imaging into MSK physiotherapy practice as well as a guest lecturer for postgraduate MSK masters programmes at Coventry, Kings College London and Brighton Universities. Her passion in teaching is to help others apply clinical reason- ing and best practice as well as evidence base to advanced practice roles and has led on setting up and mentoring the local competency programmes for new ESP’s/advancedpractitioners within Solent NHS Trust building on previous work at St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington. She has also completed injection training, utilised injections within practice and jointly written the local PGD for injectors across her trust as well as completed the supplementary prescribing course for physiotherapists.\n\nClick here to view full event terms and conditions.\n\n DTSTART:20250430T074500Z DTEND:20250430T160000Z LOCATION:Online Zoom END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR