BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY: Essential Consultation Skills for FCPs UID:475 DESCRIPTION:Essential Consultation Skills for FCPs - FACE TO FACE , St Georges Hospital, Blackshaw Road,Tooting, London SW17 0QT\n\nThe aim of this full face-to-face interactive course is to provide an understanding of core consultation skills that are\nrelevant in FCP practice. In order to maximise the learning experience, the course is strictly limited to 18 learners.\n\nAll course places must be booked through the website and paid for by card. There is no facility for later payment. It is up to the individual delegate to reclaim course fees from their employer. Once a course is booked a delegate can download an invoice as proof of payment. To download your receipt, go to your booking account on the website and Member Area / My Events / Payment History\n\nMapped - Roadmap to Practice - FCP Knowledge Skills & Attributes\n\nLearning Outcomes\n\n1. To understand the GP approach and the consultation techniques taught in their training.\n2. To understand primary care consultation models and consider how we mould the Physio approach to best fit\n3. To use fine detail from the consultation (considering the unsaid whilst also utilising ideas, concerns and expectations) to demonstrate patient centred communication.\n4. To be able to better appreciate and clinically reason in the face of complexity and cognitive bias.\n\nFacilitator\n\nDavid Alderson David Alderson Lead MSK Specialist Physiotherapist and Senior Lecturer\n\nDavid is a senior lecturer and course lead of the Advanced MSK practice MSc at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) and lectures on MACP modules. David now splits his time between the University and working part-time for a large Primary carenetwork in York. Prior to this he worked full-time and was fundamental in the initial group that established the FCP service. He was part of the first round of Roadmap supervisors and is now integral in the ongoing development of new FCPs as their Lead MSK Specialist.\nDavid also works as a medical tutor and tutor developer for the Football Association. This has required F2F delivery of medical courses to learners from grassroots to elite level support staff. In addition, as a tutor developer, he provides pedagogical support for 25 medical tutors in delivering and maintaining high quality educational experiences.\n\n\n\n \n\nClick here to view full event terms and conditions.\n\n DTSTART:20250510T080000Z DTEND:20250510T160000Z LOCATION:St George’s Hospital, St Georges Hospital, Blackshaw Road,Tooting, London SW17 0QT END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR