BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Spinal Masqueraders Expanded UID:481 DESCRIPTION:Although this course is online there is a limit of 60 places\n\nSpinal Masqueraders: Expanded covers new issues not covered on the original study day.\n\nDeveloped from delegate feedback and evolving evidence, attendance on the original Masqueraders Study Day is not a prerequisite to this course. Knowledge and skills gained from the first course will however be further enhanced and new skills accrued.\n\nThis course covers in depth the topics of:\n\nCauda Equina Syndrome\n\nPelvic Masqueraders\n\nVisceral Masqueraders\n\nInfection Masqueraders\n\nPLUS Clinical case studies\n\nContent is designed to develop delegates clinical reasoning skills and to maximize the integration of newly acquired knowledge into everyday clinical practice. The day is designed for those working in Advanced Practitioner roles, First Contact Practitioner roles or those interested in progression into these fields.\n\nMapped to Roadmap to Practice - FCP Knowledge, Skills & Attributes\n\n\nAll course places must be booked through the website and paid for by card. There is no facility for later payment. It is up to the individual delegate to reclaim course fees from their employer. Once a course is booked a delegate can download an invoice as proof of payment. \n\n\nSpeakers\n\nLaura Finucane: Consultant Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, Sussex MSK Partnership.\n\nChris Mercer: Consultant Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust\n\nSusan Greenhalgh: Consultant Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, Bolton NHS FT, Clinical Fellow MMU\n\n \n\nSpeakers\n\nChristopher MercerChris is a Consultant Physiotherapist for Western Sussex Foundation NHS Trust since January 2003. He is the clinical lead for musculoskeletal physiotherapy and the spinal triage clinic. He is also research and audit lead for therapies.\n\nChris is a Fellow of the MACP and the CSP, and past Chair of the MACP.  He currently chairs the CSP Education Awards panel and is vice-chair of the CSP Charitable trust.  He has a particular interest in advanced practice roles and competencies, and clinically an interest in serious pathology of the spine.  He continues to work, teach and research in these areas.\n\nLaura Finucane\n\nLaura Finucane is a consultant musculoskeletal physiotherapist specialising in spinal conditions, Sussex MSK Partnership.  She is the education and training lead for advanced practitioners and physiotherapists ensuring clinicians maintain their competency and expertise to deliver the service. She also provides clinical support to advanced practitioners from other professions specialising in musculoskeletal conditions. Clinically she manages patients with back pain working closely with the spinal surgeons, directly listing patients for surgical intervention when necessary. \n\nShe is affiliated to the University of Brighton and is an external examiner and tutor for the masters course leading to membership to the Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP). She is a clinical mentor to students on placement in clinical practice for a number of universities.\n\nLaura’s special interest is in serious pathologies of the spine and she has presented nationally and internationally on this subject. She has written a number of papers related to serious pathology and teaches at a postgraduate level.\n\nShe is the Vice President of The  International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT).\n\nSue Greenhalgh \n\nClick here to view full event terms and conditions.\n\n DTSTART:20250424T080000Z DTEND:20250424T160000Z LOCATION:Online Zoom END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR