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Our Constitution


Please use the link below to view the MACP Constitution as a complete document, or you can view the document in sections in the drop-down sections below.
View the MACP Constitution

(1) NAME

The name of this organisation shall be ‘Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists’ here and here after termed the MACP.

The MACP is a recognised Professional Network of the CSP.

The MACP is recognised by the ‘International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists’ (IFOMPT) which is a clinical sub group of the ‘World Confederation for Physical Therapy’ (WCPT), and recognised in this context by the CSP.


The overall aim of the MACP is:

To maintain and advance excellence in physiotherapy musculoskeletal healthcare 


(i)                Set and monitor standards of entry to the MACP.

(ii)               Facilitate continuing professional development in musculoskeletal healthcare.

(iii)             Promote the exchange of ideas and new developments in musculoskeletal practice.

(iv)             Facilitate research and its dissemination to promote evidence informed practice.

(v)              Actively collaborate with key musculoskeletal healthcare stakeholders including national  and international  organisations and education providers.

(vi)              Represent musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice on behalf of the membership.

(vii)            To be fully committed to all equal opportunities legislation 


Full membership of the MACP will be open to physiotherapists registered with the HCPC, or the equivalent regulatory body for overseas physiotherapists.

These conditions of membership are subject to periodic review by the Executive Committee and will then be subject to approval at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Applications for membership shall be considered and decided by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may terminate the membership of any member who does not fulfil the requirements of membership, or whose conduct it considers in its absolute discretion to be opposed to the interests of the Organisation.

3.1 Membership Categories

3.1.1 Full Membership

Full membership may be awarded to physiotherapists who have successfully attained the level required for entry to the MACP. This category of membership is entitled to use the ‘MMACP’

3.1.2 Honorary Fellowship

This may be awarded to eligible individuals, practicing or non-practicing, who by their expertise or long-term service have enhanced the standing of the MACP. This category of membership is entitled to use the ‘FMACP’

3.1.3 Associate Membership

This category will be for physiotherapists undertaking an MACP approved route to full membership. This category of membership will be for a time limited; the duration of the route to membership. This category does not have the right to vote. This category is not entitled to use ‘MMACP’.

3.1.4 Affiliate Membership

This category will be for individuals with an interest in musculoskeletal healthcare. This category of membership could include undergraduates and post registration physiotherapists not on a current route to MACP membership and non physiotherapists with an interest in Musculoskeletal (MSK) Health. This category is not entitled to use ‘MMACP’.

3.1.5 Overseas Membership

This category will be for full members who are currently not residing in the UK.

3.1.6 Retired Membership

This category is eligible for full members who have ceased practice and are no longer listed on the HCPC register. This category of membership is entitled to use the ‘MMACP’

3.2 Subscriptions

The payment of annual subscription fees is a requirement for all MACP membership categories.

The annual subscription rates will be decided by the MACP Executive Committee and reviewed periodically. The annual subscription rates shall be payable on entry. All membership subscriptions become due for renewal on 1st October each year.

3.2.1 Non-payment

Members who have not paid the current subscription in full by the end of January, will forfeit the privileges of membership, this includes the right to refer to themselves as members of the MACP or use of the title MMACP.

Members who have forfeited their membership and wish to re- join the association will normally be charged an additional administration fee to re-join.

3.3 President

The office of President shall be non-elected and non-executive, but the President may be invited to take the chair at important functions of the MACP. They shall take an active interest in the work and will undertake to further the aims of the MACP as determined by the MACP Executive Committee. The period of office for the President will be for a maximum of 5 years, which will be reviewed on an annual basis.


4.1.        The Executive Committee shall work towards the objectives of the MACP on behalf of the membership. Management of the business, both financial and professional, shall be vested in the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall consist of

4.1.1      The Officers will all be full members of the MACP: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, IFOMPT Officer, Chair of Education/CEA, Professional Development Lead, Communications Lead, Research Lead, Digital Officer, Professional Network Lead, Knowledge Translation lead, Professional Engagement Lead.

The Executive Committee may also include

4.1.2      Members of the MACP who have been co-opted onto the Executive Committee.

4.2.        All Executive Members will be elected at the AGM by ballot. Notification of vacancies will be distributed to the membership at least two months prior to the AGM. Nominations, with the consent of the nominees, must be proposed and seconded by a full MACP member and shall be submitted to the Secretary at least one month prior to the AGM. Nominations will be available to the membership at least two weeks prior to the AGM.

4.2.1      Proxy voting will be allowed on the day with names submitted to the Secretary.

Any activities under the auspices of the MACP must align to the aims and objectives of the parent organisation

4.3.        Terms of Office

4.3.1      The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall be elected by the Executive Committee from that Committee’s membership. This will occur annually at the first Executive Committee meeting following the AGM.

4.3.2      All Executive Committee members shall normally serve for a period of three years, following which they shall be eligible for re-election for a further three-year period, providing their total period of service on the Executive Committee does not exceed 6 years. They shall then stand down for a minimum of 2 years before being eligible for re-election.

4.3.3    All Executive Committee members will be expected to declare any conflicts of interest throughout their term of office

4.3.4      Co-opted members will serve for a period of time specified by the Executive Committee at the time of their appointment.

4.3.5      Normally, no Executive Committee member may stand for more than a 6-year period in any capacity. A further one-year period of Committee service, in addition to those outlined above, may be approved for special circumstances by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

4.4.        Roles and Responsibilities

4.4.1      Of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is accountable to the membership of the MACP and is empowered to conduct the affairs of the MACP on behalf of the members. A quorum shall be one half of the total Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee will:

(i)            Report on and examine any proposed change to the Constitution and make recommendations to the membership at either an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) called for that purpose, or at the next AGM.

(ii)           Co-opt further MACP members onto the Executive Committee if and when required for a specific purpose and for an identified period of time. Co-opted members will not be eligible to vote.

(iii)          Set up Sub-Committees with identified terms of reference which are approved by the Executive Committee. Associate, Retired and Affiliate members will be actively encouraged to participate in the Sub-Committees and Working Parties.

(iv)          Form Working Parties when required for a specific purpose and for an identified period of time. Members of such groups will not necessarily be members of the MACP and be accountable to the Executive Committee.

(v)           Maintain close links with the CSP and wider relevant healthcare stakeholders and respond promptly to any request for information from these organisations.

(vi)          Nominate MACP members to liaise with other professional groups as appropriate.

(vii)        The Executive Committee may seek the services of any persons to act in an advisory role whether members of the MACP or not.

4.4.2      Executive Committee members will be expected to undertake their allocated roles in accordance with the role descriptors. A demonstration of commitment to the role will include attendance at 75% of Executive Committee meetings and not miss more than 2 consecutive meetings, during their term of office, unless extraordinary circumstances are conveyed to the Chair.

4.4.3      Vacancies on the Executive Committee for whatever reason may be filled at the discretion of the Executive Committee, only for the remainder of the vacated term.

4.5.        Meetings of the MACP

4.5.1      The Executive Committee will meet not less than four times annually.

4.5.2      An AGM will be held not more than 13 calendar months following the previous AGM. Notification will be distributed to members at least 2 months prior to the AGM.

4.5.3    All Executive Committee members with the exception of the Chair will submit annual reports for distribution to the members at least one calendar month prior to the AGM.

4.5.4      An Extraordinary General Meeting of the MACP may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee following a majority vote, or by the written request of not less than 5% of Full Members. Normally at least two calendar months’ notice of such a meeting shall be given to the membership.


Authority to change this Constitution and standing orders is vested in the membership, who alone have the power to dictate its policy. Any suggested changes to the constitution must be made available to the membership not less than one month prior to the AGM.

Such alterations must receive a two thirds majority vote cast at the AGM or EGM called for this purpose. All (and only) full members and Honorary Fellows of the MACP will be entitled to vote either at the AGM/EGM or via a postal ballot. Such postal votes must be received by the Secretary one week prior to the AGM/EGM. Members shall be notified of amendments adopted.


This may be done at an AGM/EGM.

6.1          The motion must receive a two thirds majority vote. All full members, Honorary Fellows and Retired Members of the MACP will be entitled to vote at the AGM/EGM or via a ballot. Such votes must be received by the Secretary one week prior to the AGM/EGM.

6.2          The meeting shall decide the allocation of the MACP assets and distribution of assets.

6.3          Twenty-eight clear days’ notice of cessation shall be given to all members.

6.4          Notification of cessation shall be lodged with the Council of the CSP and IFOMPT.