Home Research Research Awards 2012 Winners and Reports Research The Student Research Award: Hannah Cousins, Andy Green, Jennifer Ward, Arlene Walker, Mike Carpenter The Small Project Grant: Colette Ridehalgh - Project title: Is the response to neurodynamic treatment linked to specific group characteristics in people with referred posterior leg pain? The Research Facilitation Award: Dr Jane Simmonds - Project title: An exploration of the perceptions of exercise therapy amongst adults diagnosed with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome and Ehlers Danlos (Hypermobility Type) The MACP Doctoral Award: Martin Rabey. - Title of project: Multi-factorial cluster analysis in axial low back pain - Do clusters predict responses to "usual care"? Dissemination The Elsevier Presentation Award : Joanna Perry - Project title: A pragmatic, prospective, longitudinal, observational study into the neurophysiological effects of physiotherapy (a "complex intervention") on patients presenting with low back pain (LBP) of up to 12 weeks duration. The Greg Grieve MACP Research Presentation Award: Colette Ridehalgh - Presentation titles: Normative sciatic nerve excursion during the straight leg raise test Repeatability of measuring sciatic nerve excursion during the straight leg raise with B mode ultrasound. Repeatability of vibration thresholds and pressure pain thresholds in individuals with spinally referred leg pain The IFOMPT Presentation Award: Dr Chris McCarthy - Presentation title: Spinal Manipulation- Use in Thoraco-Lumbar Spine & Pelvic Disorders The Research Facilitation Award-: Dr Jane Simmonds Clinical Awards The Elsevier Research Award: Maria Moutzouri - Project title: Effects of enhanced sensori-motor rehabilitation on indices of functional performance associated with patients following total knee replacement. Research Research StrategyCurrent ResearchResearch Awards2024 Winners and Reports2023 Winners and Reports2022 Winners and Reports2021 Winners and Reports2020 Winners and Reports2019 Winners and Reports2018 Winners and Reports2017 Winners and Reports2016 Winners and Reports2015 Winners and Reports2013 Winners and Reports2012 Winners and Reports2011 Winners and Reports2010 Winners and ReportsResearch News2024 Nurturing Research ConferenceResearch ResourcesRecruiting for ResearchSubmit a Research RequestResearch News