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Eligible Courses

Courses Leading to Membership

PgDip Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy

(MSc Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy available) Eligible for full membership of the MACP upon successful completion of the Postgraduate Diploma stage.

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PgDip Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy (MSc Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy available) - Provides full membership of the MACP upon successful completion of the Postgraduate Diploma stage.

The programme provides flexibility of learning, benefits of shared teaching and learning and a range of opportunities to meet the needs of healthcare professionals working within their existing and future practice environments. It enables a student's personal and professional development through the development of their skills of critical analysis and evaluation to a higher level. The programme recognises the integration of research, theory and practice as central to the continuing education of an advancing practitioner. It facilitates the development of clinical expertise in the specialist area of manipulative physiotherapy within the context of evidence based practice, providing students with the opportunity to tailor their learning experience to meet their personal and professional needs. The programme enables the exploration of the theoretical basis of manipulative physiotherapy and its subsequent application to the development of a student's clinical expertise. Using the process of clinical reasoning as its framework, this programme integrates the many approaches to practice in this area, facilitating an evaluation of the existing evidence.

Mode of attendance

Full time or part time (distance learning possible for some modules)

Methods of assessment

Coursework, written assignments, seminar, Professional Development Plan, viva, assessment of performance on clinical placement 

Mentored clinical practice component

The mentored clinical practice facilitates the synthesis of the theoretical and practical aspects of a student's development through a period of mentorship within the practice environment. The students will have the opportunity to work in a variety of settings to further explore and develop their existing knowledge and skills towards expertise. The work-based environment will enable the advancement of existing skills which may or may not include an extended scope of practice. The mentor will enable the student's development through a partnership of teaching, researching, managing, observing and discussing with innovative practice being encouraged within the framework of safe and ethical practice.

Delivery is within a work-based setting negotiated between the student, Programme Lead and prospective mentors. This process of negotiation is dependent upon their individual learning needs and specialist requirements. A variety of patterns of delivery of the 150 hours experience are possible encompassing part time, full time modes as well as e-mentoring to augment the practice based learning.

Exemptions to MACP membership

Provides full membership of the MACP upon successful completion of the Postgraduate Diploma stage.


Matthew Willett
School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT. UK
Tel: 0121 415 8367


MSc Advanced Physiotherapy


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MSc in Advanced  Physiotherapy

This contemporary, well-established part time Masters degree is designed for motivated physiotherapists who want to develop and challenge their professional practice and obtain an advanced academic qualification. The programme enables students to critically evaluate current practice, develop advanced knowledge, understanding and skills and undertake contemporary clinical research. Flexibility in the selection and delivery modes of an extensive portfolio of taught, work-based and independent modules and short courses results in a bespoke approach to the development of advanced clinical reasoning, academic and research skills and attributes which equips participants to practice successfully in an ever-changing healthcare environment. The Programme has a proven history of enhancing career progression, with many students progressing into senior roles such as  physiotherapy consultants, first contact practitioners, clinical specialists, team leaders, clinical mentors, lecturers and researchers.

Students who complete a specific suite of modules as part of their MSc Advanced Physiotherapy Programme (including Lower Quadrant, Upper Quadrant & Advanced MSK Clinical Practice) are eligible for full MACP membership.

Overview of the course philosophy

The philosophy underpinning the programme is one of facilitation of independent learning, personal and professional development, exploring the evidence base for practice whilst enhancing clinical expertise. Implicit within the philosophy is the need for physiotherapists to value continuing professional development, understand the importance of reflection in practice and the place of research in the continued development of the profession.

Mode of attendance

Part time only. Students have up to six years to complete the programme. Delivery of modules and short courses varies, including face to face, on-line, hybrid and work-based approaches.

Methods of assessment

A variety of assessment methods are used including written coursework, Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE), oral presentations, a research project and clinical examinations.

Clinical practice component

The Advanced Musculoskeletal Clinical Practice (AMCP) Module is a 15 credit M level module which builds on existing knowledge and skills gained from the successful completion of 7HSK0331/0075 (Lower Quadrant) and 7HSK0332/0076 (Upper Quadrant). AMCP consists of two elements; preparation for clinical practice and a period of clinical mentorship in practice, totalling 150 hours of clinical mentorship. The clinical element will take place in either an NHS or private setting under the supervision of a MACP clinical mentor and there will be emphasis on advanced clinical reasoning and examination of patients with simple and complex musculoskeletal dysfunction, to select, justify, evaluate and implement transformative evidence-informed assessment & management strategies. Students work with the university to locate suitable clinical mentorship. A variety of patterns of delivery of the clinical hours are permissible encompassing full-time (minimum four weeks) or part time equivalent. E-mentoring may be used to augment learning in recognition that not all mentored clinical supervision needs to be face-to-face.

Exemptions to MACP membership

Eligible for Associate membership at the commencement of the course.

Membership of the MACP upon successful completion of the MSc, including the required specific modules Lower Quadrant, Upper Quadrant, Advancing MSK Clinical Practice).

Students with a pre-registration MSc maybe eligible on completion of the Postgraduate Diploma stage.


Dr Mindy Cairns & Andrea Moulson
Programme Leads for the MSc Advanced Physiotherapy Programmes

Department of Allied Health Professions, Midwifery and Social Work
School of Health and Social Work
University of Hertfordshire
College Lane Campus, Hatfield
Herts, UK, AL10 9AB

Working Days: Monday-Thursday
Course Website & Applications:
Follow us on Twitter: @UH_PG_Physio  @MindyCairns  @MoulsonA
Follow us on Instagram: Uh_pg_physio




MSc Advanced Physiotherapy

Eligible for full membership of the MACP upon successful completion of the Postgraduate Diploma stage. 

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PGDip/MSc Advanced Physiotherapy: MACP pathway 

The PGDip/MSc in Advanced Physiotherapy MACP pathway offers the opportunity for qualified physiotherapists working in neuromusculoskeletal practice to develop as an advanced physiotherapy practitioner. The programme aims to develop skills in clinical reasoning, assessment and management of patients with neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction delivered by an experienced, specialised and supportive team of academics and highly experienced clinicians expert in their field. The programme offers a range of option modules allowing applicants to tailor their professional development around their career. Clinical mentored practice is integral to the programme with placement opportunities available in the Manchester Movement Unit at Manchester Met.

MACP Membership: Eligible for full membership of the MACP upon successful completion of the Postgraduate Diploma stage.

Course Leaders

Jackie Hindle:
Ruth Macdonald:
Admissions Tutor:


Advanced Physiotherapy website
Manchester Met  International Office website

For further course information please contact:
Department of Health Professions




MSc Advancing Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal)

Eligible for full membership of the MACP upon successful completion of  the MSC.

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MSc Advanced Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Management - Eligible for associate membership at the commencement of the course. Eligible for Membership of the MACP upon successful completion of the MSc 

Overview of the course philosophy

The MSc ACP MM programme is a broad and flexible course in which it is possible to study a variety of different fields of physiotherapy.  It is also suitable for those pursuing a career as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner. In order to qualify to apply for MACP membership, students must select the following modules from the programme: Musculoskeletal Management of the Upper Quadrant  (MMUQ)(30 credits), Musculoskeletal Management of the Lower Quadrant  (MMLQ)(30 credits), Mentored Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Management (MCP)(30 credits), Researching for Practice (15 credits) and the Dissertation (60 credits).  To be awarded an MSc Advanced Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Management students will also need to complete a further 15 credit optional module.

MMUQ and MMLQ are core modules that encompass a broad perspective of musculoskeletal philosophies and aim to deepen theoretical understanding, in addition to further developing precision and sensitivity in handling, exercise prescription, improved clinical reasoning ability and understanding of complexity.  They will facilitate independent thinking that challenge and explore key concepts, conceptual approaches and philosophies relating to the management of musculoskeletal disorders. Innovation of patient management and the application of practical techniques will be encouraged. The MCP will facilitate the transfer of knowledge from theory into practice and will allow students to focus on individualised and tailored learning needs.

Fees for home/EU students can be found using the course link above.  

Mode of attendance

Part-time.  The core Musculoskeletal Management modules are delivered in blocks of 3 days each month. The remaining modules, of which there is a wide selection, can be done either face-to-face or via distance learning.

Methods of assessment

Written assignments, reflective portfolio, practical and clinical examinations, verbal presentations.

Clinical practice component

The Mentored Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Management module  equates to150 hours of clinically related activity with support from an MACP mentor; this may include mentorship within an extended scope/ advanced clinical practice setting. The module can be completed full-time in 4weeks or part time over a range of weeks.   The timing and location of this module is flexible but may only occur after successful completion of the MMUQ and MMLQ modules.  The aim of this module is to challenge your existing clinical practice by exploring established and evolving concepts, knowledge and evidence related to patient-centred assessment and management of neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction.

MACP membership

Eligible for associate membership at the commencement of the course. Eligible for Membership of the MACP upon successful completion of the MSc (180 credits).


David Alderson 
Faculty of Health and Wellbeing, Collegiate Crescent Campus, Sheffield Hallam University. Sheffield S10 2BP



MSc Advanced Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

Eligible for full membership of the MACP upon successful completion of the Postgraduate Diploma stage.


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Advanced Physiotherapy: Musculoskeletal MSc

The programme offers students the opportunity to evaluate and challenge existing practice, develop and undertake clinical research and learn about new and emerging treatment options. Students will develop clinical skills and understanding of evidence-based practice in their field of specialisation through the completion of taught modules and a compulsory clinical placement module. At the university, the taught modules will include sessions led by university staff and a variety of external clinical experts. On clinical placement, students will benefit from the clinical mentorship of recognised experts in physiotherapy.

This degree is only suitable for World Physiotherapy recognised qualified physiotherapists with at least two years musculoskeletal physiotherapy clinical experience which does not include internship.

UCL is a world-leading university offering well-established and popular postgraduate physiotherapy programmes that are highly regarded both locally and internationally.

The Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy degree offers an extensive range of compulsory and optional modules in specialist areas. Lectures, tutorials and practical workshops are delivered by recognised experts in physiotherapy practice. We have close links to the UCLH University Trust as well as many other specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy teams/departments both within London and outside.

Graduates of the MSc in Advanced Physiotherapy: Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy route are eligible for full membership of the Musculoskeletal Association of Physiotherapists (MACP), this clinical qualification is internationally recognised by the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT).

Our students come from all over the world. This cross-fertilisation of international experience and ideas generates a powerful and inspirational platform for postgraduate physiotherapy learning which, combined with the central London location, makes UCL an attractive choice for physiotherapy students.

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Sports and Exercise Medicine - Physio (MACP Accredited) MSc

Eligible for full membership of the MACP upon successful completion of the Postgraduate Diploma stage.


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The programme route is suitable for physiotherapists and osteopaths

This internationally renowned programme is the longest-established Sports and Exercise Medicine Post-Graduate programme in the country, with a prestigious history.

The programme is based on the philosophy of total care for the athlete and the promotion of physical activity in the general population.

This programme:

  • Will offer you mastery of foundation concepts and skills in Sports and Exercise Medicine.
  • Give you the knowledge and skills to assess sports injuries and to understand their treatment options, as well as understanding the physiological and psychological benefits of exercise and its use as a health tool.
  • Allow you regular clinical contact with athletes and sportspeople.
  • Introduce you to visiting lecturers, who are experts in the field of Sports Medicine.
  • Is accredited by MACP (Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists)

Career Paths:

Successful alumni have gone on to further study at PhD level, to work in specialised roles in sports medicine and to hold pivotal positions in the field across the UK and internationally. Graduates include the Chief Medical Officers for Team Great Britain at the Beijing 2008 and London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games, and the Greek team at Athens 2004.


Sport and Exercise Medicine (MACP accredited route) is available to study to MSc and PG Diploma level, full-time for one year, or part-time over two years.

To achieve the diploma, you will need to complete 8 taught modules (120 credits) plus the clinical placement and the MSc, 9 taught modules plus both a research project (equivalent to three modules) and the clinical placement (180 credits).

For MSc and PGDip programmes, completion of a supervised 150 hours of clinical placement is required.

Undertaking a masters programme is a serious commitment, with contact hours being in addition to numerous hours of independent learning.

When coursework or examination deadlines are approaching, independent learning hours may need to increase significantly.

Each 15 credit taught module involves 120 hours of study, with the student receiving 30 contact hours (15 hours during the intensive, in person, weeks of teaching and 15 hours asynchronously) plus an expectation of 90 hours independent learning. 

The part-time and variable mode options allow for the student to complete a reduced number of modules per semester. These options give the student the opportunity to balance study alongside clinical practice. It is important not to underestimate the amount of time that is required to study alongside work commitments.

Clinical placements

Clinical placement forms an integral part of the MACP accredited route.  To meet the criteria of clinical expertise, outlined by the MACP, the student undertakes a minimum of 150 hours of directed mentored clinical practice.  Within the module students will be required to manage a clinical caseload whilst receiving mentorship form a clinical mentor. A variety of models and tools may be used as part of the mentorship to achieve the best development of the individual student. Direct contact hours with the Clinical Mentor will include observation of the student assessing and managing patients in the practice setting.  A summative assessment of the student is mandatory and will be completed by the Lead Clinical Mentor (a MACP member) and an MACP approved assessor. This will include a clinical examination of a new and follow up patient.


PGDip Musculoskeletal Practice 

Students are eligible for full membership of the MACP upon successful completion of the PostGraduate Diploma. Progression to MSc Advanced MSK Practice and MSc MSK Practice is available.


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This programme has been designed with partners in clinical practice to further develop healthcare professional's expert musculoskeletal knowledge and skills by improving the translation of evidence into practice, promoting critical thinking and advanced clinical reasoning whilst adapting to different environments and considering the needs of diverse populations and communities. Students will develop specialist skills to enable them to deliver safe, effective, person-centred care to people presenting with complex musculoskeletal conditions.

Students will develop knowledge and skills in education, leadership and research and work towards application in a clinical and organisational context. They will complete a mentored clinical practice module in order to consolidate and apply theoretical knowledge within out-patient rehabilitation, enhanced or advanced practice environments. This will give students the opportunity to expand their skills in a variety of healthcare settings.

This programme has been recognised by the Centre for Advancing Practice as meeting the First Contact Practice (FCP) Roadmap stage 1 and 2 requirements and evidence of successful completion meets current requirements for FCP.

Entry Requirements

Normally a First or Second Class Honours Degree in physiotherapy.

Be a registered and fully qualified Health Care professional normally with a minimum of two years’ clinical experience in musculoskeletal health (for students wishing to gain FCP status a minimum of three years clinical experience and a suitable mentor in clinical practice is required).

Students whose first language is not English are normally required to have an IELTS 7 or other equivalent recognised English language qualification. In certain circumstances the University also permits study that students have already carried out at Postgraduate level to be taken into account.

You will normally be required to undertake an interview as part of the application process

Mode of attendance

This course is available full time (FT) or part time (PT). Students will normally take a minimum of 1.5  academic years (FT) and a  maximum 5 academic years (PT) to complete the full award. The part time route is flexible but registered, on course students, must study a minimum of 20 credits in each academic year

Methods of assessment

Students will be assessed using a variety of written work, oral presentations, group work, practical skills examinations and viva voce examinations. On placement practical clinical examinations will take place during the mentored clinical practice module.

MACP membership

Students will be eligible for associate membership at the commencement of the course.

Students will be eligible for full membership of the on successful completion of the Post Graduate Diploma MSK Practice.


Jane Ashbrook 

Programme lead for MSc Advanced MSK Practice, MSc MSK Practice and PGCert MSK Practice (FCP).

School of Health and Sports Science

Liverpool Hope University, Hope Park, Taggart Ave, Childwall, Liverpool, L169JD


MSc Advanced MSK Practice (with MACP and FCP routes)

MSc MSK Practice (with MACP route)