Integrating Thoracic spine Rehabilitation into Practice
This course, with a strong emphasis on integration of theory into practice, will critically evaluate evidence for the under-explored functional kinematics, primary or secondary pain sites, and asymptomatic dysfunction of the thoracic spine contributing to pain complaints in the shoulder region and adjacent spinal regions. A secondary objective is to explore the emerging interest in this spinal region with respect to best practice guidelines and evidence supporting passive and active interventions targeting the thoracic spine dysfunction when managing upper quadrant presentations; specifically an outcome focused (mobility, motor control, work capacity and strength) clinical reasoning framework for thoracic spine exercise prescription in rehabilitation. This course will offer best current evidence within a biopsychosocial framework.
The 1 day course will cover
1. Thoracic pain, function & dysfunction – what do we know?
2. Advanced examination and management of the thoracic spine.
3. Rehabilitation of thoracic spine – a clinical reasoning framework informing exercise prescription.
4. Evidence into practice using case studies.
Nicola Henegan
Dr Nicola Heneghan
Dr Nicola Heneghan is a highly experienced UK clinician and academic with 30 years’ experience working in the field of musculoskeletal physiotherapy. Nicola has published >140 peer reviewed publications, written 3 book chapters and has a research H-index of 25. Nicola has supported >180 physiotherapists to successful completion of postgraduate degrees. Nicola’s specific research interest is the assessment and management of thoracic pain and dysfunction in different patient populations; a central focus for her PhD which she completed in 2013. She is one of the most published authors in the world on this topic. She has travelled widely to give keynotes on the topic and written chapters on the subject for a number of seminal texts (Petty, Neuromusculoskeletal Examination and Assessment: A Handbook for Therapists, Grieve’s Modern Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy). Nicola currently combines working with various universities, collaborators and her clinical practice roles. Nicola held a number of honorary positions within the MACP, including Education Lead and Chair, with her contribution to the MACP recognised with award of honorary fellowship in 2019.

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