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Join the Association

Join the Association

Do you already have a MACP account?

If you have been a MACP member before or have previously set up your details on the website, then please log in to your existing account before continuing.

If you would like to read about how we store, use and protect your data, please view our Privacy Policy.

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Membership Type

Please choose the type of membership for which you would like to apply.

About You


Professional Details

Profile Details

Clinical Mentoring & External Examining

Contact Preferences

The MACP is occasionally approached by academic institutions and independent researchers that are looking to contact full and associate members to participate in research studies. We may share your details with them if you give permission.

You will be able to change your preferences at any time in the Member's Area of the website.

Login Details

Please note: Passwords must have at least 10 characters.

Payment Method


We are collecting this data to help us track and monitor diversity. These questions will not be used to make any decision regarding your membership, and your answers will only be used for anonymised reporting. You do not have to complete this section, participation is optional.


Submit Your Application