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Identifying the top 10 research priorities relating to problematic hip replacements and redo, or revision surgery
18 March 2022
(Last updated: 21 Jul 2023 10:25)
Dear MACP Members,
I am contacting you on behalf of the British Hip Society and James Lind Alliance, who have assembled a multidisciplinary steering group in order to run a priority setting partnership with the aim of identifying the top 10 research priorities relating to problematic hip replacements and redo, or revision surgery. The process will involve collecting research questions from healthcare professionals, patients and carers via an online survey. Responses will then be collected and refined using a well-established consensus methodology. The survey will launch on the 2nd of March and will be open for 3 months.
We are seeking 'partner organisations' for the above project. Partner organisations ideally would endorse our work and agree to promote the online survey to their members via emailing lists and/or through social media. There is no formal agreement or financial commitment. Agreeing to be a partner organisation would primarily help ensure members of your organisation are represented in helping to define what we hope will be important questions that need answered about problematic hip replacements.
A digital poster with QR code for the survey is attached which can be printed or emailed out.
More information can be found on the British Hip Society Website
Alternatively, the web address and QR code for the survey itself are quoted below:
QR Code:

I would be very grateful if you could help by distributing this survey to your membership/patient group/email list (delete or add as appropriate).
Yours faithfully,
Professor Becky Kearney
Associate Director of Warwick Clinical Trials Unit
Professor Tim Board
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Chair Problematic Hip Replacement PSP,
Chair, British Hip Society Research Committee