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- £50 M&S voucher for paricipation - Primary Care Clinicians needed for Back pain focus group
£50 M&S voucher for paricipation - Primary Care Clinicians needed for Back pain focus group
28 September 2023
(Last updated: 14 Nov 2023 13:13)
GPs, MSK #physios & #FCPs working in primary care in England urgently needed for research! Please help!
Online interview or focus group exploring self-management for people returning with persistent back pain.
claim £50 M&S Voucher for participation!
Contact @OsbornJenkins
@HSciences @UoS_PrimaryCare @LPhysioprof
Are you interested in self-management for people with persistent back pain in Primary care?
Are you a Physiotherapist or FCP in England?
Would like to participate in an online focus group?
The purpose of this PhD study is to improve understanding around primary care clinicians’ experiences of delivering self-management advice to patients returning to services with persistent or recurring low back pain. Lisa is recruiting GPs, FCPs and physiotherapists (band 7+) working in Primary Care to take part in an one-off 1 hour online (Microsoft teams) focus group interview. The profession specific focus group discussion will explore clinicians’ practice experiences, opinions and beliefs surrounding self-management strategies offered. There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers and all views are welcome. We hope that this research will inform clinicians and patients about how to improve self-management treatments offered in return consultations to help improve care outcomes and experiences.
If you can help, please contact:
